I Got 5 On It

I Got 5 On It

  Here’s a fun fact: Since 1885, the S&P 500 has historically performed the best in years ending in “5.” Strange, right? But it’s true! This week’s chart breaks down the average (median) return for each year of a decade, and the standout is clear—years ending...
What’s Fair is Fair

What’s Fair is Fair

  This week’s indicator focuses on the U.S. 10-Year Treasury Fair Value Model, a tool designed to gauge whether 10-year Treasury yields are too high, too low, or just right. With interest rates playing such a pivotal role in the markets, knowing when Treasuries...
Ripple Effects

Ripple Effects

Last week we talked about rising interest rates and the reasons behind their move. David Nelson joins us to share how these rising rates affect the stock market and why it is important for investors to stay diversified.